Bright. Intelligent.


Image is Everything: Priviledge

Model Cameron Russell inspires my ‘IMAGE is everything” segment on my blog. Have a look  first.

So I sent this to a friend of mine because we have this discussion more often than not. It almost seems as though the conversation about race with those who are of the ‘dominent racial class’ seems to go no where. For years people have talked about race and we’ve kinda skated through this major theme of race politics in America. Being white in America has and entitles you to privilege.

Cameron Russell is the perfect person right:

  • Beautiful
  • White
  • Skinny

In a nutshell, this is her stance (I didn’t make this up!!). She owns this and what makes this powerful is that people might have actually been listening. Too often the dialogue on race becomes about one of the following

  • Guilt- why should I feel guilty about race…it ain’t my fault
  • Denial-what racism?
  • Indifference- ok so it happened…sorry Black folks, move on.

But Cameron came with this

  • Truth- I (and white women all over this green earth) benefited greatly from racism AND I accept this as truth AND this is the gospel of race politics AND there’s nothing I can personally do to remove that stigma BUT Ted talk is a great start.

That, I think, is what gets the ‘Black community’ (what might be left of the community…..more on that later) so…upset. Its like why won’t you finally admit that this is an issue? Why can’t we just say yes this happened AND these are the effects. The latter half of that is Oh So Crucial.

No one in their right mind would EVER deny the holocaust. And rightfully so. But everyone and their momma is quick to turn their back on HUNDREDS OF YEARS of slavery. I could be wrong.